I figured I'd finally start something I have been meaning to do for quite some time now and so here I am writing my first ever blog. The past year has been quite challenging both personally and professionally and the New Year has given me motivation to start something new. I am thinking this would be that something new. 

As a single father (divorced for some time) to my sixteen year old daughter Julia, an avid road cyclist, a health nut, and a foodie/gourmet who's professional life involves lots of traveling, you will find me writing about these things in my journals. But mostly, my adventures in the saddle.

As I mentioned, 2016 brought me some tough challenges especially during the first half of the year. This period was easily the darkest I've had in my adult life. The second half of the year was basically spent getting over these challenges I've navigated through, and if you know me, that meant a lot of time spent on my bicycle. Yes, riding my bikes help a lot with keeping me grounded and sane. Nothing ever makes me feel as good as riding my bike. Well, maybe there's one other thing, but that's a whole other topic and not as easy to come by nowadays.  Along with my bike rides, what really helped me out were the new friends I made through the cycling club that I am honored to be a part of. Without the club and the friends I've made through it, I would have had a much rougher year. It's incredible how complete strangers who's only connection you have is the passion for cycling, are the ones mostly responsible for turning my whole year around. Riding with my club mates and hanging out with them during club social evenings where the best thing I've ever done for myself. Of course, it helped that these new friends I've made were all amazing people. They helped tremendously to keep me upbeat and positive. The odd thing was, none of them even knew I was going through a rough time. And that was the key I believe; I just needed to be with like minded people who helped keep my mind off my troubles. I am not the most welcoming or engaging person out there so it was a bit terrifying for me to go out on a limb and be in a room full of complete strangers. I am glad that I overcame my fear and have made a few lifelong friends in the process. Joining the club is most certainly one of the best decisions I've ever made. Now I look to build on these new relationships this year and the years to come.

As 2016 wore on and things got better for me, I made another decision that may potentially change my life forever. I recently changed the way I eat. I wasn't an unhealthy eater, but I knew I could make the way I eat better as far as eating the proper foods. This all started after I learned that a friend of mine who I'll address here as Clara for anonymity, switched to a mostly plant based nutrition because of a health issue she was facing. After a few conversations with Clara, she inspired me to follow suit. I wasn't doing it because I was sick or I had to, I was doing it because I wanted to support her, let her know she's not alone, and maybe get healthier in the process. I thought, here I am relatively healthy, but was I really? Can I be even healthier? I realized that I should be more grateful that I have no health issues and should do my utmost to stay as healthy as possible. So I decided to do it with Clara to tone it up a bit. After all, she is a friend and friends appreciate doing things together. I am not sure how long I can or will stay on this, but it's been about four months since I've gone with mostly plant based food and I feel fantastic. I've noticed that I am now leaner in my physique and stronger on the bicycle. I haven't weighed myself, but I'm guessing I've lost more weight than anticipated since my nutrition change alone as I still ride my bicycle the same amount of time as before and the same goes for my gym time. 

I have made some people disappointed that I wont be enjoying eating meats with them anytime soon, and to those people I am very sorry to disappoint you, but consider this, you may thank me later for being as healthy as I can so I can be around for you, for hopefully, longer than usual. And thank you Clara... for inspiring me to make this positive change. 
